
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

failHumorPoliticsStupid People

Moronic Milwaukee Democrats

Hurr Durr. Look at this fat-armed Democrat. Point to her and laugh loudly along with me at her complete lack of education. Now laugh at all of the idiots who voted this woman to a position of power in Milwaukee. Here she is trying to boycott Arizona over that state’s law to deal with illegal immigration.

Senator Kyl is pointing and laughing too and then he sent this stupid broad a very nice letter. And a map. ROFLCOPTERS!

Thanks to Michelle Malkin for the photo!

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Moronic Milwaukee Democrats

  • Has anyone bothered to ask Mexicans how it came to be that they speak Spanish? Am I the only one that see’s their hypocricy in their foolish arguments on claim to southern parts of our country? Shouldn’t they be speaking Mayan or Incan? If they were once “native” to American territory then they should be speaking maybe Hopi or Apache? Why are we not confronting them on this? I’ll bet there were no Navajo on the island of Cuba yet people from both those places are now “Hispanic”? I guess it’s just “Americans” that must return land or should feel guilty about what their own ancestors did. I was born in America which makes me a native American. My father was born here. My children were born here. “La Raza” should return to Spain, but before they do, they should return the land they plundered, conquered, and pillaged to the Mayans, Incans, and other indiginous people that were there before their ancestors stole it. While they’re at it they should apologize to the Anastazi nation, the Hopi, Navajo, Apache, Cherokee, Seminole, and other people they violated and killed. Before they leave Mexico though, they should formally apologize to the native people, give them land and declare them sovereign. What a bunch of hypocritical bastards.

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