
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

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Somali Pirates Caught a Case of the “Died”

This is how you deal with Prates. You don’t negotiate with them. You don’t give them ransom. You certainly don’t read them their miranda rights. You do what the Russians did when they caught them- you kill them.

From the AP here:

Following high level complaints about “imperfections” in international law, Russia announced Tuesday that captured Somali pirates “have all died.” A Russian official claimed that 10 pirates seized by Russian special forces aboard an oil tanker last week were quickly freed but then died on their way back to the Somali coast.

They did not elaborate on how the pirates died, deepening a mystery that has prompted speculation the pirates were executed by commandos who had freed a Russian oil tanker seized in waters 500 miles (800 kilometers) east of Somalia’s coast.

“They could not reach the coast and, apparently, have all died,” the official said.

Russian officials have said one of the 11 pirates was killed during a gunbattle when the Russian special forces stormed the tanker on Thursday. The others, some said to have been wounded, were brought aboard a Russian destroyer.

Officials initially said they would be taken to Russia for trial, but the Defense Ministry said Friday they’d been released because of “imperfections” in international law. The statement was met with skepticism, especially in light of a comment made by the Russian president.

“We’ll have to do what our forefathers did when they met the pirates” until the international community comes up with a legal way of prosecuting them, Dmitry Medvedev said on the day the ship was stormed.

I’m pretty sure that International law dictates that you can kill pirates if they attack you. Nice to see that Russia aren’t pussies who worry about what the International community thinks of them. And I’m pretty sure they don’t take kindly to illegal immigrants either, but you don’t hear about folks protesting them do you?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Somali Pirates Caught a Case of the “Died”

  • ‘The official told Russian news agencies the pirates’ boat disappeared from Russian radar about an hour after their release.’ Oddly enough, a Russian anti-ship missile disappeared in approximately the same area at the same time, prompting Russian defense spokesmen to comment ‘U GOT PWND!’

  • I am sure they released the pirates. I am also sure they did NOT release their boat. Thus this comment makes perfect sense:

    “They could not reach the coast and, apparently, have all died,” the official said.

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