
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


This Will Teach Your Ex a Lesson, That Whore!

The internet is a beautiful thing. Now you can order a case of the crabs for your ex girlfriend as revenge. Really, you can order an envelope of crab lice eggs that you are supposed to sprinkle onto her clothes, in her hair or on her bed and make her itch for a couple of weeks. It will also make that manlier-than-you stud that stole your whore of a girlfriend itch too, or at least you hope that’s the way it works.

From RevengeCrabs.Com here:

Imagine, if you can, that you have an ex. It might be an ex girlfriend, an ex boyfriend or ex wife or husband. Heck, it can be an ex-fling for all we care, but imagine in this crazy little hypothetical that you have an ex, whatever that may mean to you. Now imagine, if you can imagine it, that you might have some reason why you don’t like this ex of yours. What could you possibly do to get back at him or her? I have an idea, and it’s just so crazy it might work.

Give your ex crabs!
It’s an idea so horrible, regrettable and insulting that you could never directly endorse or request it, and we won’t ask you to. All we do is ask you for your billing and shipping addresses, and mail you out a tidy package of peculiar material with tiny, purple dots in it… those are live crabs, and they need only be sprinkled on the bedding or clothing of the one you once loved the most to ensure he/she sufferers the fullest wrath of those genital lice.

Well I guess that beats the hell out of signing up your ex’s Mom for a 12 month subscription of hard core anal porn.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “This Will Teach Your Ex a Lesson, That Whore!

  • hahaha!! I’m pretty sure this qualifies as biological warfare. Where’s the DubyaMD’s?! IN UR MAILBAWKS!

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