
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

gayHumorStupid People

Stupid Tranny Fooled by Psychic- Forfeits $150K, Hummer and Penis

A sexually confused man, former catholic, and full time fool walked into a palm reader’s business to get some “spiritual” counseling. He walked out One Hundred-Fifty Thousand Dollars poorer and somehow bought the psychic a brand new Hummer.

Drakar Druella’s Facebook photo

From OregonLive here:

Portland man accuses Hawthorne psychic of defrauding him of $150,000 including cash, Rolexes and a Hummer

When Drakar Druella entered the psychic shop last fall, he said the shop was sparsely furnished; a shelf to the right of the entrance held candles, self-healing and metaphysical books; a couch and coffee table were by a far wall. The shop windows still advertise “Love Counselor,” “Psychic Advisor,” “Palm Reader” and “Tarot Reader.”

Drakar Druella was struggling with wrenching emotional problems last October when he walked into the Hawthorne Psychic Shop in Southeast Portland for a palm reading and met Cathy Stevens.

Over the next seven weeks he would give the psychic $150,000 in cash and gifts so she could rid him of his “negative energy” and heal him. Druella says the 39-year-old woman was so convincing, he didn’t realize he was being scammed until he heard Stevens launch into the same story with another client.

“That’s when it all went ‘click, click, click,’ ” said Druella, 42, who called police in November and is now filing for personal bankruptcy. “The people she was taking advantage of were so vulnerable and in so much emotional pain.”

Police arrested Stevens on aggravated theft allegations. The charges were dropped, pending more investigation.

He called the affidavit shocking, for “characterizing a certain group of people as being swindlers and fraudulent.”

“Cathy has nothing more than the overwhelming desire to help people, and she’s pretty talented at it.”

Druella, who was struggling with his gender identity after undergoing a sex change, said Stevens told him she sensed his “twin-flame energy,” and used Catholic symbolism that resonated with Druella, who was raised Catholic. She connected with him in a way that other spiritual teachers had not.

Druella, he first paid Stevens $265 for advice on Oct. 8. She told him he had “negative energy” and a demon attached to him, and she could help him get rid of it. But in order to do so, she said she’d need $22,000 to buy a “tabernacle” and she’d conduct an exorcism. She instructed him not to say anything to others and also asked him to turn over to her his personal journals. Stevens then told him she needed a vehicle to take her to a remote mountainous area to help transport his negative energy away. On Oct. 11, they both went to Vic Alfonso dealership, where he got a loan and bought an H-3T Hummer in his name for $45,940. He says he gave Stevens the Hummer so she could continue to do spiritual work on his behalf.

Druella said he grew to view Stevens like a “mom” and believed she was “saving ” him from death. On one occasion, he went to Lloyd Center with Stevens, and bought four Rolex watches , totaling $37,840. Stevens told him she needed a special component in the watches, also to use toward his healing, he said.

I thought it was a law that sexually confused people should have to get a mental evaluation prior to a sex change? Its clear that Dracar Druella, which is obviously an assumed name, needed deep treatment from a qualified mental health specialist and likely needed to seek therapy for the sexual abuse he suffered as a child that drove him to want to destroy his own sex organs. But of course psychics are frauds who separate fools from their money. I think its a valuable public service. A poor fool can do far less damage than a rich one.

Check out the video below where Druella attempts to equate his own dumbassery to that of a rape victim where he claims, society blames the victim for being stupid. Hey Druella, you idiotic queen: Rape victims don’t walk into a store called “Rapes R Us.” You walked into a palm reader’s place of business and signed over your life’s savings. Huge difference. I’d be happy to explain it to your further, but it will cost you 25K in cash.

This isn’t the first story I’ve written about a confused supposed-catholic cross dresser who ran into an obviously fraudulent spiritual advisor. Check here for the previous story.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Stupid Tranny Fooled by Psychic- Forfeits $150K, Hummer and Penis

  • Gregory of Prescott

    So now he is struggling with his “financial identity” i.e. – broke. Sad (dickless) man. I wonder at what point does it become “fraud & theft”… was it the first $265 dollars? or the last. I mean, people visit psychic all the time, so just how much money do you have to give them before it becomes a crime. If you freely hand over 20 bucks or 20,000 bucks to a palm-reader just what illegal activity has occured? Lucky he didn’t get hooked up with with some guru promising to cure his ills with a sweat lodge.

  • What’s is so incredible about this? I’ll tell you what is truly fantastic: there exist over a billion Muslims. How is that possible with a species that survived the ice age?

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