
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

BizarreCrimeHumorStupid People

Road Rage, then Air Rage. Ready for Wii Rage?

Some kid flipped his lid and rampaged through his trailer park neighborhood and had to be tasered by cops because he simply sucks at Mario Kart.

From the DenverChannel here:

Colorado Springs police officers are investigating a bizarre crime spree that started after a man reportedly got mad over a Wii game.

James Williams went after several people in the Meadows Mobile Home Park with a bat, bit his mother on the ankle, intentionally rammed several cars, and hit a pedestrian and a tree.

When the victims followed the driver, after a short distance he stopped, got out of his car and used a BB gun to break out the rear window of a vehicle.

Police arrived Thursday at 5 p.m. and Williams, ran at a police cruiser and jumped on the hood. When Williams jumped off the cruiser, Officer Erwin Paladino used his Taser on Williams, then arrested him.

The police report didn’t go into detail about what happened during the Wii game or what game he was playing.

I think any video game that enrages trailer park people would be an important news nugget to share. I got this story from FARK which included this hilarious pie chart that pretty much sums up my experience playing on N64.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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