
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

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What’s Up With British Schools? Mostly Kids in Trees

Saw these two bizarre stories from the UK dealing with idiotic teachers who endanger children instead of educating them. First up is a 5-year-old who climbed up a tree at school. And rather than getting the child down, the teachers left the kid up the tree for almost an hour because per policy, they weren’t allowed to get the kid down. And when a concerned woman who walked by the school rescued the kid, she was charged with trespassing by the School staff.

Next is a whole school of 10 to 13 year olds tramatized when they announced there was a gunman at the school, and they evacuated the students to the playground where they watched a teacher get gunned down! Then they were all rushed indoors to the auditorium and while they were still sobbing and shaking, they were finally told that this was a lesson in science.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “What’s Up With British Schools? Mostly Kids in Trees

  • toadbile

    Concerning the Tree Sitting Childe:

    The associate head of the school didn’t appear at all concerned, and was actually very patronising, patting me on the arm and asking me “what do you expect me to do, exactly, dear?”

    A letter sent to Miss Barrett by Wiltshire Council added: “You may well have acted initially out of concern for the safety of the child but any such concerns should have been raised with a member of staff…. You subsequently behaved in a verbally aggressive manner to a member of staff.”

    Yeah, i’d like to have heard that verbal aggression.

  • AlaskanInfidel

    I read the headline on several sites for news and said to myself, “Must be those PC morons in the UK doing this.”
    I hit Belchspeak to see what Chlorine has been added to which Gene Pool or perhaps where some is needd and find…yep…dumbass PC morons at work.

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