
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Australia Accuses Encyclopedia Dramatica of Hate Crimes

Encyclopedia Dramatica is a hilarious website that pokes fun at drama that is stirred up on the Internet. Often their humor is so coarse and simple it damn near reaches the status of truth. They are in hot water right now because a bunch of Aborigines were butthurt over their article on ED.

On the ED blog, site owner Joseph Evers says:

This is an initial investigation into charging me, personally, with the violation of Australia’s Racial Discrimination Act. While I act in complete compliance with both the civil and criminal codes of the United States of America, and am assured the right of free speech according to our Constitution (which, if not the greatest political document in the entire history of law, is certainly on the top five) I can personally be jailed and fined for the violation of this law.

This isn’t a far-fetched legal theory, they have used it before. Welcome to the one world government, folks. Is this what you wanted? Is this what you had in mind? Cause this is what you’re gettin’.

Encyclopedia Dramatica will never be censored in any way. We will keep publishing this content and our Australian users will be able to view it up until the point that your God-forsaken government blocks it with their soon-to-be-implemented secret list of banned material.

The article in question is here. Yeah, its racist, but parts of it are sadly truthful. For instance, it talks about all of the wonderful technology invented by the Aborigines over the past 50,000 years up to the point the white man arrived and showed them how to use the wheel:

A long stick. (spear)
A curved stick. (boomerang)
A hollow stick. (digeridoo)

Hey, that’s one more type of stick than our own American Aboriginal people had. Ours had a long stick (spear) and a curved stick (bow).

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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