
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Liberal Outcries Over Knots

Liberals are like vampires. You show them a cross and they hiss and hide their eyes and then collectively try to ban it. The same thing happens when they see a looped slip knot. The only difference is that 99 times out of a 100, one of their own is the one making the knot and leaving it to incite the others.

From the LATimes here:

The UC San Diego student reportedly responsible for hanging a noose last week in a campus library issued a public, but anonymous, apology Monday and said she had no racist motivation.

The noose’s discovery set off protests at a school that is already tense from recent racially charged episodes where tensions were high after a Feb. 15 off-campus party that mocked Black History Month.

In a letter published Monday on the front page of the UC San Diego student newspaper, the Guardian, the student wrote that the incident was “a mindless act and stupid mistake” and was not meant to recall the lynching of blacks.

“As a minority student who sympathizes with the students that have been affected by the recent issues on campus, I am distraught to know that I have unintentionally added to their pain,” the student wrote. She was suspended Friday and remains under investigation for a possible hate crime.

The woman wrote that she and friends had been playing with the rope early last week, making a lasso and then a noose. She said that she took it to the library Tuesday, strung it above a desk and forgot about it.

No, this black girl knew it was offensive to other blacks and did this deliberately to whip up even more outrage in an already volatile situation. Want more examples of liberal-manufactured hate crimes against themselves? See the swastika story here.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

3 thoughts on “Liberal Outcries Over Knots

  • Well, dammit if the liberals aren’t running around manufacturing hate crimes then how can they justify giving away money to “poor people” who take it and spend it on gold teeth, bling and tatoo’s instead of… Say… Healthcare?!?! Answer me that Mr. Smarty pants!!!! Why, I bet if you had your way, Americans would come to realize just how rampant this faux hatred is and start to demand a roll back of all the give-aways on behalf of the taxpayers. SOMEONE HAS TO DO IT AND IF WE CAN’T FIND ANY RACISTS, THEN WE HAVE TO DO IT OURSELVES BEFORE ANYONE CATCHES ON!!!!

  • Gregory of Prescott

    So who was the hate crime against, blacks or horse thieves?

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