
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimefailStupid People

Show the Cops This Tattoo

I saw this picture on Planck’s Constant the other day and it really boggles my mind why anyone would want to deliberately get a tattoo that would guarantee them a doubletap in a confrontation with the law-

Bernie says:

Here’s a fun idea: if you are ever questioned by police about carrying any weapons, lift your shirt with this tattoo and quickly lunge for your navel. Then when they finish pummeling you with nightsticks, you can all have a good laugh at their misunderstanding. I find that cops always have a good sense of humor about these things.

Well I dunno if the cops would laugh but I think I would LOL.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Show the Cops This Tattoo

  • Aaron

    LOL I’d laugh my ass off, too. What a friggin Tough Guy. I mean, that’s some nice detail on the tat. Seriously. Except for the fact that the moron got an unloaded 1911 tattoo’d there – which I think sadly defeats the point. This poindexter is probably the kinda guy who is hoping the cops beat him up so he can sue them for wrongful injury.

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