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Use Condoms to Save the Planet

Moonbats want everyone to abort their babies and to have lots of promiscuous sex, so long as you use condoms to make sure you don’t spread the filth of more people on the planet. They have a new catchy campaign going- check out these condom wrappers:

From here:

Group Gives Out 100,000 Endangered Species Condoms for Valentine’s Day

With 3,000 volunteers operating in all 50 states, the Center for Biological Diversity will distribute 100,000 free Endangered Species Condoms beginning on Valentine’s Day chronicling the devastating impact of human overpopulation on endangered species.

Six different packages with original artwork and edgy slogans feature the polar bear (“Wrap with care, save the polar bear”), jaguar (“Wear a jimmy hat, save the big cat”), American burying beetle (“Cover your tweedle, save the burying beetle”), snail darter (“Hump smarter, save the snail darter”), coquí guajón rock frog (“Use a stopper, save the hopper”), and spotted owl (“Wear a condom now, save the spotted owl”). All six species are listed as threatened or endangered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

“Human overpopulation is destroying wildlife habitat at an unprecedented rate,” said Randy Serraglio, a conservation advocate leading the Center’s overpopulation campaign.

All of the major threats to the earth’s biodiversity – sprawl, logging, mining, dams, pollution, and climate change – are driven by human overpopulation.

If they were serious about reducing the population they would simply roll those condoms over their heads and faces- take themselves out of the genepool they hate so badly.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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