
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Mother of the Year Tattoos Six of Her Kids

She said that she should be able to do whatever she wants cuz “Dang, they are MY KIDS, I have custody and all. I be trippin’ here!”

From here:

“We were making it look like it was a cross,” said Jo-Jo Marsh, “so the kids could have something they could say it was.”

The mark is a cross-like symbol left by a home-made tattoo gun with a guitar string as a needle.” We didn’t even break the skin barely,” said Marsh.

Marsh and her husband, Jacob Bartels, face child cruelty charges after detectives found the same mark on six of the couple’s seven children. One of the children is just 10 years-old.

We asked Marsh if she knew it was illegal to tattoo children in the state of Georgia.

“Oh God no,” she responded, “that’s why I was tripping so hard, that’s why I was so upset.”

Marsh defends her actions saying the kids were begging for tattoos like hers.

She made her very own tattoo gun out of a guitar string. She must have learned that in prison, and if not, when she goes to jail for this idiocy, that little trick will earn her a few cigarettes for providing a prison tattoo service for the other inmates.

And if you want to turn your precious little girl into a stripper, be sure to get an early start:

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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