
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeEco-ReligionfailStupid People

How Can You Be Sacrilegious in a Fake Religious Ceremony?

More details have emerged in the James Arthur Ray sweat lodge deaths. It seems that when people tried to open a tent flap to get some fresh air in while other sweat lodge dupes were dropping dead, Ray made them stop declaring that to do so was “sacrilegious.” Because dolphins circling a yin-yang symbol on a teepee is serious bidness!

From AZCentral here:

As followers around him staggered and collapsed inside a hot sweat lodge near Sedona, motivational guru James Arthur Ray seemed to ignore the unfolding medical crisis, according to statements given to investigators.

Ray repeatedly discussed death during the October ceremony, telling participants they would feel like they were dying, according to officials’ reports released Monday. When a man tried to open the tent for air, Ray reportedly called him “sacrilegious.”

In the end, three of the more than 50 participants in the sweat-lodge ceremony did die. Statements from many people who survived the ceremony depict Ray as indifferent to the suffering around him, and more than one person told authorities that similar medical problems had occurred at past retreats.

Two past participants contacted detectives to tell them about a 2005 retreat when one man was taken to the hospital in an ambulance following the sweat-lodge exercise, and Ted Mercer, who has constructed the sweat lodge for three years, told investigators that people exited “in medical distress” every year he was involved.

James Ray smashes together every eastern philosophy and Indian ritual he can to create a fake religious experience for godless leftists. His doctrine states that positive thinking brings spiritual wealth. How can you possibly be sacrilegious with a fake religion? So maybe if James Shore, Kirby Brown and Liz Neuman had taken this fake religion more seriously they would still be alive?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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