
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

BizarregayObamaPoliticsWhy Homeschool?

Reason 461 to HomeSchool: Obama Czar Teaches Fisting to Kids

Some bloggers are calling it “FistGate.” I will call it GoatseGate.

From Gateway Pundit here:

Barack Obama’s Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings founded the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). Recently he was appointed by the Obama administration to run the Office of Safe & Drug Free Schools in the US Department of Education. In 2007 Kevin Jennings was paid $273,573.96 as the executive director of GLSEN.

In 2000 GLSEN held a conference that was not so much about tolerance as it was about teaching children about sex. In this clip GLSEN activists promote “fisting” to 14 year olds.

Teaching kids about “fisting” which is about shoving your fist into some queer’s rectum is all about tolerance. Tolerance for extremely deviant behavior, and one that could lead to internal bleeding, rectal prolapse (think about a pink sock), spread of HIV, Hepatitis and more. Oh, that and the ettiquette of spitting versus swallowing.

Now, I have no problems discussing these things in clinical terms. I know and understand people engange in some really bizarre behavior and act out in destructive ways, with drugs, sex and alcohol. One of my favorite radio shows is Love Line where Dr. Drew seriously discusses these issues and shines the light of addiction and abuse on these kinds of behavior.

But its completely different for the government to sponsor and pay exhorbitant amounts of money to homosexual activists to indoctrinate school children to this behavior without a serious discussion of right versus wrong and what consequences there are to these types of behavior.

Rob Taylor at RedAlerts has more.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Reason 461 to HomeSchool: Obama Czar Teaches Fisting to Kids

  • AlaskanInfidel

    This twisted POS…thinks the founder of NAMBLA is a great guy, and that “Kids are being aggressively recruited to become heterosexual in this country.”
    Did you need to be directed toward heterosexuality?…or homosexuality if that’s yer thing? Did it not come naturally to you? Do you believe that you were “recruited” to be heterosexual? Well…this nutcake thinks that’s the case.
    Do we really need this guy watching over our children? I mean…THIS GUY? NAMBLA…North American Man Boy Love Association…yeah..that’s right. Sex between men and boys…they think it should be legal and this guy considers the founder to be one of his heroes! Yeah…I want him watchin’ over my kids. Fox…Henhouse…insanity.

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