
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeCyberfailStupid People

Arm-Flapping Asspie Finally Getting Extradition

For the past several months, UFO nutjob Fary McKinnon has been fighting extradition to the United States. At first, he claimed that his crimes, which were hacking into NASA and many other DOD systems was only an attempt to find UFO information, and he shouldn’t be extradited because he feared he would be tried as a terrorist and sent to GITMO.

Later he self-diagnosed himself as having Aspergers syndrome in an attempt to reclassify his crimes as being an offshoot of a retarded arm-flapping session, and if he was extradited, he would do what every asspie dreams about, which is commits suicide. And it almost worked. The British Government temporarily suspended McKinnon’s extradition but finally realized that Gary would be treated as well as any other degenerate hacker.

From the AFP here:

A Briton who hacked into US military and NASA computers faces extradition to the United States after the British government rejected last-ditch requests to block the move.

Home Secretary Alan Johnson concluded that sending Gary McKinnon to the United States would not breach his human rights, and said he has no general discretionary powers to stop the extradition.

McKinnon, who purportedely suffers from a form of autism, could spend life in prison if convicted by a US court of gaining access to 97 computers in 2001 and 2002 in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks.

His family and lawyers have warned throughout the long-running case that McKinnon, who has Asperger’s Syndrome, could commit suicide or suffer psychosis if the extradition went ahead.

McKinnon’s mother, Janis Sharp, slammed the decision as “devastating” and “barbaric,” adding that her son was terrified of extradition.

Had this dipshit came over and faced trial sooner, he would probably already be a free man. But his own turmoil has been drawn out by lawyers who have used him to create a defense that aspergers is a legal excuse for doing whatever a criminal wants to do.

I don’t think that Aspergers is a real disease anyways. If it is, then lets identify the genetic markers that will make it easy for women to abort these drains on society and be over this emergent disease in a generation or two.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

5 thoughts on “Arm-Flapping Asspie Finally Getting Extradition

  • Endersdragon

    You would think they would want to go Witch Hunter Robin on his @$$ and just hire him and if he ever left, then jail (or kill him). And please don’t use the asspie thing anymore.

  • Bryan,
    Not too sure what you mean by “witch hunter robin.” But there are many more and better professionals that keep our DoD infrastructure safe. We don’t need someone that:
    a) Proves he can’t be trusted
    b) Steeped in conspiracy theories
    C) Professes to have a mental illness

    I only reserve the “asspie” reference for those that fake the disorder for their own benefit.

    I anticipate he will do 18 months in jail. He would have been in and out by now if he didn’t come up with the stupid Asperger’s defense.

  • Endersdragon

    Witch Hunter Robin was an old anime show, one of the main characters was a computer hacker who hacked into the wrong place and basically said they could kill him here or he could work for them (basically in prison). You know that DoD consults hackers, who not consult hackers that know how to beat their best counter intelligence agents. Just saying.

  • That may have been true in the 90’s but not now. I know all about DoD consulting as that’s what I do. And trust me, Gary McKinnon wouldn’t qualify.

  • Endersdragon

    And yet they are being hacked into… sounds like a problem with hiring.

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