
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


New and Imrpoved Supple Lip Moisturizer- Now With More Ground Up Peruvian Ass Fat!

Ewwwww! Gangsters in the leftist paradise of Peru are killing their victims and then sucking all of the fat off their bones to sell as cosmetics to Europeans. This will go great with the ground up aborted fetuses they already use.

From the Guardian here:

Peruvian police have arrested a gang which killed scores of peasants, drained their bodies of fat and sold the liquid abroad as an anti-wrinkle cosmetic.

Three suspects have confessed to killing five people for their fat but the number of victims was believed to be much higher and to date back decades.

Two of the suspects were arrested at a bus station in the capital, Lima, carrying bottles of liquid fat which they claimed were worth up to £36,000 a gallon.

At a news conference police displayed two bottles of fat, which laboratory tests confirmed were human. “The fat was extracted from the thorax and thighs,” said Eusebio Felix Murga, chief of police of Dirincri district.

Europeans have nothing to complain about. That ass fat is 100% organic.

These are rival cocaine gangs that do this to each other. For those that swear the drug wars shouldn’t be fought, this is a good reason to do it.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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