
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeEco-ReligionfailStupid People

James Ray Thinks that Kirby Brown and James Shore’s Deaths is a “Test”

Self-help guru and flim-flam artist James Ray, who charged people 10 Grand to bake in a giant homemade oven in the Sedona sun, killing Kirby Brown and James Shore, wasted no time on his self-help tour.

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At his latest stop in California, where he charged idiotic people 5 grand a pop, he claimed that the deaths at his hands are a “test” of his character and he has no idea how to deal with it.

I love the shot at the end of the video of the stupid TeePee with the Yin/Yang symbol on the side of it. Sheesh, its a mish-mash of all kinds of hokey eastern religions, ain’t it? I bet they have crystals hanging inside along with magnetic pyramids.

From the AP here:

The man in charge of a spiritual retreat in Arizona that left two people dead after they were overcome in a sweat lodge said Tuesday night he is facing a difficult time and “being tested” by the tragedy.

The comments from self-help expert and author James Arthur Ray came during a seminar at a Marina del Rey hotel. Ray broke down in tears as he addressed the deaths.

“This is the most difficult time I’ve ever faced,” he told the crowd of about 200. “I don’t know how to deal with it really.”

Ray led a group of more than 50 people last week through a five-day program intended to push people beyond their limits. The course included a Thursday sweat lodge ceremony, which ended tragically in the deaths of Kirby Brown, 38, of Westtown, N.Y., and James Shore, 40, of Milwaukee.

Nineteen other people were hurt, and one remains in critical condition.

Yeah, its all about you, isn’t it James Ray? Nice to see your grief didn’t slow down your stupid road show. To see my previous article on this, click here.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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