
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimefailMOTYracismYou're Fired!

Who Knew Drug Dealers Use Daycare?

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, called “Newark” there lived a Papa and a little boy. Papa was doing whatever he could to get by in today’s economy, which means he had to deal cocaine because the man keeps him down. But the bad people (cops) might come and take the Papa to prison, so Papa had to hide the cocaine in the pockets of the little boy. “Shhh,” said Papa. “This is candy, so I will get it later. Bad people can’t know I sell candy.” “Okay,” said the little boy as they went into the Day Care Center next to Lincoln Park. Daddy left the little boy all alone at the Day Care Center. So in order for the little boy to make friends, he shared the candy with the other children.

Poor Papa is now in jail

From NJ.Com here:

Shaheed Wright feared police were closing in on him, authorities say, so he hid his bags of cocaine in his son’s jacket pockets, telling the child that it was candy.

And when the boy arrived at his daycare center in Newark on Friday morning, he did what any other 4 year old might: The boy handed the white powder out to his friends.

One girl ate it.

She was rushed to Beth Israel Medical Center in Newark along with Wright’s son and two other boys from the day care suspected of eating cocaine. They all turned out to be fine and were released to their parents.

Wright, meanwhile, was arrested Friday afternoon in the hallway of his apartment building on South Munn Avenue in East Orange. The 25-year-old man is accused of endangering the welfare of a child, possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute and other charges, including employing a juvenile in a narcotics scheme.

Why is it that you never want to picnic in any park called “Lincoln Park?” And why is it you never want your car to break down on street named Martin Luther King? So now the little boy has no Papa. If only he hadn’t shared the candy! He promises himself to never share anything again.

Sing it, Elvis!

Another story about bad ghetto candy is here.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Who Knew Drug Dealers Use Daycare?

  • KBranch

    Once again another down fall for my people by my people. Why continue to set the black community up for failure with these ignorant acts. Can we please Wake Up black American, please?

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