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ROFL: Acorn BodyCount Rises- 3 Down in Brooklyn

The dynamic duo of James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles, the undercover film makers who are documenting the criminal activity of ACORN, have struck again, and this time in Brooklyn, New York. Three more bitches from ACORN tried to help a pimp and prostitute setup a brothel that dealt with underage illegal aliens from El Salvador.

Meet the newly unemployed criminals of Acorn. From left to right they are “Tara Toadface” “Volda (german for fat) Albert” and “Milagros Barrio Rivera.” It would be sweet justice if they can’t get unemployment because they were fired with cause.

Click over to BigGovernment.Com to see the awesome undercover videos. Hilariously, they quote CBIC (chief Bitch in Charge) of ACORN, Bertha Lewis that this scam was failing at places like New York.

And the New York Post quotes the NYC mayor Bloomberg and details that the DA is going to investigate ACORN over this. From the NYPost here:

Mayor Bloomberg spoke out on the controversy today.

“Prostitution is illegal in this state and I don’t know why they would — why an organization like ACORN, who’s trying to encourage voter turnout and voter registration, why they’re getting involved in any of that stuff,” Bloomberg said. ”

The Brooklyn DA’s office announced today it would be investigating the group.

In an unrelated outrage, ACORN was accused of widespread voter fraud during the 2008 presidential election by helping unqualified voters to register.

I have a feeling we have more coming. I hope so. Every time a new video comes out ACORN mouthpieces have to explain themselves again with the same sorry excuses. “Its an isolated incident. Those were rogue employees. This is all Fox News’ fault.” I haven’t laughed like this is a long time.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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