
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Congresswoman Diane Watson Thinks Executing Thousands of Rich People is Awesome

Leftists are going completely over the edge now that Obama is in power. They are no longer afraid of speaking their filthy minds about how they love murderers who execute anyone who makes money. At a Town Hall this degenerate bragged about her admiration for Fidel Castro and the murderous Che Guevara who had thousands of men women and children lined up and executed. This is from ABC here with thanks to Michelle Malkin:

Is this woman urging violent means to achieve universal healthcare?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Congresswoman Diane Watson Thinks Executing Thousands of Rich People is Awesome

  • AlaskanInfidel

    This woman is a racist…pure and simple. Further, she embraces a tyrant, a dictator who murdered and continues to murder his own people.
    Health care? She must think that the American people are as stupid as the people that keep re-electing her.
    Cuba is, as we speak, out of toilet paper. If they can’t keep their people in toilet paper, how great a job do you think that they’re doing of getting MRI machines…or aspirin for that matter.
    When Castro was sicker than hell and needed quality care, he had doctors and equipment flown in from Spain. Surely a woman in her position knows this…and ignores it to further Obamas Marxist agenda.

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