
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeDistractionsStupid People

Ryan Jenkins of Megan Wants a Millionaire Hanged Himself

VH-1 has provided lots of entertainment over the past few years with their reality shows. Surreal Life was one of my favorites, and I did watch two seasons of Rock of Love.

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But these reality shows began to attract some seedy attention whores who were solely interested in having their 15 minutes of fame. Flavor of Love and I Love New York contestants were a parade of scumbags and sluts that made paternity test takers on Maury look like upstanding citizens.

One of these reality show players, Ryan Jenkins, who was on the “Megan Wants a Millionaire” show, parlayed his 15 minutes of fame into a quickee wedding in Vegas to a party-girl Jasmine Fiore. When that marriage soured, Jenkins divorced and then murdered Fiore. He cut off her fingertips and knocked out all of her teeth thinking that no one would be able to identify the body. Then he dumped the mutilated corpse into a dumpster in the Los Angeles area and fled. The Royal Mounties found Ryan Jenkins dead in a remote hotel in Canada, where he had hung himself.

From FoxNews here:

A reality show contestant wanted for murder in the gruesome death and mutilation of his ex-wife was found dead Sunday of suicide after hanging himself in a secluded Canadian motel.

The real estate developer and investor was wanted in California on first-degree murder charges after the mutilated body of his ex-wife Jasmine Fiore was found in a trash bin in Buena Park, about 20 miles southeast of Los Angeles. Fiore’s teeth had been pulled out and her fingers cut off, apparently to impede her identification. Investigators used the serial numbers on her breast implants to identify her.

Jenkins’ body was found in The Thunderbird Motel on an isolated road on the outskirts of Hope, B.C. at the entrance to the western province’s mountainous interior.

Jenkins was recently a contestant on VH1 reality show “Megan Wants a Millionaire,” in which wealthy young men tried to win over a materialistic blonde. The network canceled the show Friday.

It was nice of Jenkins to save everyone the time and expense of a ridiculous media circus-type of a trial. But out of curiosity, do you think that Jenkins was unaware that his exwife had breast implants? If he was mutilating the body, why didn’t he take the implants? Several TV shows feature forensic scientists identifying the dead bodies due to breast implant serial numbers.

VH-1 already canceled the Millionaire show and will probably not air the other series Ryan Jenkins was in- I Love Money 3, which I read that Jenkins actually wins the grand prize. Or perhaps, now that Ryan is dead will VH-1 play the vulture and air the series anyways and make loads of cash from this sad, sick crime?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

5 thoughts on “Ryan Jenkins of Megan Wants a Millionaire Hanged Himself

  • AgentZer0

    It’s not hanged. It’s hung – you ignorant fuck.

  • AgentZer0

    Actually, I just learned that hanged is acceptable.

    Wasn’t aware.

    But you’re still an ignorant fuck for saying autism is an imaginary disease.


  • Autism isn’t imaginary. But to people who are completely functional like you that desperately seek attention, you claim to have Aspergers so you can piggyback on the pity others have to real victims. Grow up Zero.

    Your previous posts here prove how you want recognition for ?? something, I dunno.

    Here’s a tip if you are seeking attention: Go buy a funny hat.

  • AgentZer0

    (You’re right. I’m faking it to get attention, like all the other people who were critical of your 2007 post. We’re all a bunch of fakers.)

    Your original post attacked several commenters and accused them of faking a serious neurological condition.

    Your original post suggests that a person’s social ineptitude is justification for why they shouldn’t be allowed to attend a normal college/university.

    I tried to present counterarguments, knowing that many who struggle in the social world are able to pursue higher education, eventually learn to make friends, and go on to lead a happy and succesful life.

    You chose to ignore these facts.

    Next, the dialogue devolved into one of you accusing me of wanting attention, wanting Cho to be the poster-child for Aspergers, and various other nonsense — losing sight of the real reason for why I left a comment.

    If your orignal post had been worded differently, I wouldn’t have left a comment. But when the central argument of a post is that the socially inept should not be allowed to attend school, I can’t help myself from putting in my $.02


  • Gregory

    Jasmine is an alien invader from another planet…just look at her…THAT’S NOT HUMAN!

    Ryan may very well have saved the world! She looks hungry.

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