
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Who is the Bigger Bitch? Karma or Heather Mills?

Like all vegan freaks, Heather Mills believes in eastern religious philosophies without practicing any of it, except for Yoga, but only because the vegans are too weak and sickly to lift free weights. Thus it is that Heather Mills is a huge believer in the retribution meted out by Karma- that ficticious ethereal idea that universal justice falls upon wicked people. And in fact, if you ever say anything bad about Heather Mills, like I have many times on this blog, then you are due to be stricken by cancer because Karma will “get those bastards.”

From Digitalspy here with thanks to Cathy:

Heather Mills has warned that karma comes back to haunt journalists who publish “lies” about her personal life.

The former glamour model claimed that justice has always been served against her enemies in the media. She said, “Certain journalists have written horrible things, and then they’ve got cancer, or they’ve had a tumour, or they’ve died. And it’s terrible for them, but they’ve done really evil things. I truly believe things come back round.”

Mills added that she often relies on the Press Complaints Commission to clear her name when stories upset her. She commented: “It took me two years. But I’ve won all my cases.”

In April this year, the vegan vowed to continue her battles against the media, explaining: “I plan to clear the internet so my daughter doesn’t read all the lies when she’s 12.”

So what kind of horrible thing did Heather Mills say about someone to cause Karma to run her skinny ass over with a police motorcycle and then what else did she say to cause Karma to hack her leg off at the knee? Whatever she said, it sure made me laugh.

And she is going to clean the Internet eh? Is she really scared that Beatrice McCartney will find out what a basketcase and raging bitch her Mom is?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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