
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Stupid People

Gwynneth Paltrow’s Shampoo Makes Her Retarded

Gwynneth Paltrow is a complete nutjob and should be charged with child abuse for the stupid way she is raising her two children, Apple and Moses, on organic macrobiotic vegan diets. Those kids will have stunted growth to go along with their deficient brainpower that they sadly inherited from their twat of a mother. Gwynny’s latest campaign is against shampoo because she thinks they may cause autism, and besides, she can’t pronounce any of the words on the label anyways, so they must be bad for you.

Cupping Bruises on Gwynny's Back

Yeah shampoo is bad, but using a stupid new age treatment of “cupping” in which toxins are supposedly drawn to the surface as giant hickies of contusions, which could break apart beneath the skin, travel to the heart and kill you is just fine.

From the DailyMail here with thanks to RightRant and Moonbattery:

Gwyneth Paltrow has been branded ‘loopy’ by scientists after warning that products such as shampoo could be linked to cancer.

The actress and wife of Coldplay singer Chris Martin says she was ‘seized with fear’ after reading research about what she calls ‘environmental toxins’ – chemicals which are present in everyday items.

Paltrow said children were unable to easily break down toxins and claimed the number of children getting cancer and autism was growing ‘exponentially’.

Leading bacteriologist Professor Hugh Pennington described her claims as ‘rubbish’ and ‘loopy’.

Miss Paltrow, 36, has embraced an alternative lifestyle, raising her children, Apple and Moses, on a macrobiotic diet which excludes foods such as cheese and white flour in favour of grains, vegetables and beans.

Miss Paltrow also said, “Ever read the chemical ingredients list on your shampoo or lotion? Not an easy task. Sixty per cent of what goes on the skin is absorb [sic] into the body – so avoiding chemicals here is super important, especially for pregnant moms.”

I have written before that Gwynny has a level of intelligence just below that of a naked mole rat.  She continues to prove me right.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Gwynneth Paltrow’s Shampoo Makes Her Retarded

  • Cupping? WTF?

    Naked Mole Rat…that’s some funny shit.

  • There you go again, insulting mole rats. You….ratist.

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