
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

failPoliticsStupid People

Mexican Emo Kids Cry Too Much; Need Federales Protection

This is a hilarious article in Salon about Emo kids being targeted by mean kids who laugh at them. The human rights commission in Mexico thinks that they need government protection and will require “sensitivity training” to all the other kids in High School and to law enforcement officers. Gaybashing is still okay, though.

From Salon here:

Mexico’s National Human Rights Commission says that followers of the youth music and fashion trend known as “emo” have suffered discrimination and violence, and recommends sensitivity training to prevent it.

Emos often wear long bangs and skinny pants, and listen to angst-ridden music. Aggressions against Emo’s are apparently fueled by an Internet hate campaign by other youths.

The government rights commission says an investigation shows emos “have suffered violence and discrimination both by authorities and the public at large.”  It recommended the government provide diversity training in schools and anti-discrimination training for law enforcement personnel.

Holy crap.  Emos just need to cut a little deeper and allow the rest of us to get over them.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

5 thoughts on “Mexican Emo Kids Cry Too Much; Need Federales Protection

  • This is what high-school is for….weeding out moron behavior prior to adulthood. On balance, harmless mockery and ridicule serve a valuable purpose. Without negative peer pressure, you’d have thousands of dumb emos, goths, and punks graduating or dropping out to become essentially wards of the state because they are unhirable as they are. There’s nothing wrong with being different but, what good are you to anybody in the real world as an emo?

  • Endersdragon

    So I take it your for the bullying of aspeger’s kids too. Once again I must say it would be fun to see you say that to Brenda High.

  • Bryan, stop trying to bait people into these arguments.

  • Endersdragon

    Comeon, you guys make it too easy.

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