
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

ChinaHumorYou're Fired!

When You Break Up With Your Chinese Mistress After You Eliminate Her In Your Own HomeMade Edition of the Bachelor, Don’t Go on a Car Trip With Her to Visit Her Favorite Cliffs

A chinese man got in trouble for having his own personal reality game show at his house. He had five mistresses and had a beauty model judge decide which four he should dump because he couldn’t afford to keep them all.

From CNN here:

A married Chinese businessman who could no longer afford five mistresses held a competition to decide which one to keep. But the contest took a fatal turn when one of the women, eliminated for her looks, drove the man and the four other competitors off a cliff. The spurned mistress died and the other passengers were injured.

Police learned of the contest through a letter the dead woman had left behind. The businessman, identified only by his last name — Fan — was married and had four other mistresses. The women knew of one another, but none elected to break up with the man and give up their rent-free apartment and a 5,000 yuan ($730) monthly allowance.

When the economy soured, the businessman apparently decided to let go of all but one mistress. He staged a private talent show in May, without telling the women his intentions. An instructor from a local modeling agency judged the women on the way they looked, how they sang and how much alcohol they could hold.

The judge knocked out Yu in the first round of the competition based on her looks. Angry, she decided to exact revenge by telling her lover and the four other women to accompany her on a sightseeing trip before she returned to her home province. It was during the trip that Yu reportedly drove the car off the cliff.

The Chinese businessman was stupid for getting into the car with a rejected candidate. You are supposed to play her off the stage with dissonant bass, lights and allow her to cry on camera. He was also stupid for not getting this all on YouTube.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “When You Break Up With Your Chinese Mistress After You Eliminate Her In Your Own HomeMade Edition of the Bachelor, Don’t Go on a Car Trip With Her to Visit Her Favorite Cliffs

  • Not the first angry $730+apt-whore to go all Jihad. And not the last.

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