
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Britain’s National Healthcare Service to Switch to Meatless Hospital Food

Go vegan! Britain is cutting out all meats from its menu, not as a cost cutting measure, but because they foolishly believe it will somehow save polar bears from drowning and prevent plagues in Africa due to carbon emissions that they say causes global warming.

From the Guardian here with thanks to S&L:

Meat-free menus are to be promoted in hospitals as part of a strategy to cut global warming emissions across the National Health Service.  Dr David Pencheon, director of the NHS sustainable development unit, said the amount of NHS emissions meant it had to act to make cuts, and the changes would save money, which could be spent on better services for patients.

“This is not just about doing things more efficiently, it’s about doing things differently, because efficiency is not going to get us to big cuts,” said Pencheon. “What will healthcare look like in 2030-2040 in a very low carbon society? It will not look anything like it looks now.”

Ever notice that global warming fanatics all seem to have some Utopian idea of what the future will look like? Yet they fail to ever articulate it? And they always project their radical societal changes to be 40 years in the future, because, that way, if they are wrong, no one will remember their original dumbass predictions, or they will be dead and gone so no one will be able to kick their ass for being an idiot zealot who predicted the end of the world.

Last year the NHS published what it believes is the biggest public sector analysis of carbon dioxide, the biggest greenhouse gas, which showed the organisation’s emissions in 2004 were 18.6m tonnes and rising. This accounts for more than 3% of all emissions in England, and if the NHS was a country it would have been ranked as the 81st biggest polluter in the world that year, between Estonia and Bahrain.

CO2 is not a pollutant.  It is a harmless gas.

It follows a government pledge last year to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050.

“If you’re going to get me radical I say the default place for health is in the home, and the person who delivers it is yourself: that’s the ultimate low-carbon health service,” he said.

“Unless we all take effective action now, millions of people around the world will suffer hunger, water shortages and coastal flooding as the climate changes,” he says.

A warmer planet has never killed a single soul.  And besides, there is no consensus that the world is even warming, and certainly no scientific proof that CO2 is the cause of any climactic changes.

Here is a tip for the NHS in Britain.  You wanna cut carbon by 80%?  Make a REAL hard choice and just kill 4 out of 5 patients.  That would give us a real carbonless society. And that will certainly make people stay at home and treat themselves for their ailments.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

3 thoughts on “Britain’s National Healthcare Service to Switch to Meatless Hospital Food

  • AlaskanInfidel

    Why is it that most of the vegetarians I meet are not healthy? Were they sick to begin with and hope that eating veggies will cure what ails them? More likely they got sickly from not eating meat. Those teeth in our heads called canines…we are clearly eaters of meat. Now they want to take meatr away from sick people. Twits.
    There is no proof that CO2 causes Global Warming. There are numerous studies that prove that CO2 increases FOLLOW periods of warming.

  • That steak looks delicious.

    And most of the vegetarians I know are equally as unhealthy as I am.

  • Why not breed polar bears?

    That would keep the population even higher than it already is [highest in 30 yrs], and they must have a lot of meat.

    A lot of fat too. Maybe cars could run on polar bear fat.

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