
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CyberStupid People

Second Life Whores Divorce Each Other IRL

A British couple with nothing better to do than waste their lives online in SecondLife, which is just a fancy, pretty chat room, are getting a divorce in real life, five years after meeting each other (shocker!) on line. I have a feeling that the divorce won’t be finalized until after they get a virtual lawyer in SecondLife and get a virtual divorce where the guy has to lose half of his virtual money.

From Reuters here:

A British woman is divorcing her husband after discovering his online alter-ego was having an affair with a virtual woman in the fantasy world of Second Life.

Amy Taylor, 28, said her three-year marriage to David Pollard, 40, came to an end when she twice walked in on him watching his online character, Dave Barmy, having sex with other virtual women.

The couple met in an internet chatroom in 2003 and married in real life and in a fantasy tropical setting in Second Life.

However, Taylor always had suspicions about Pollard’s online loyalty. At one point she hired a virtual detective to test whether his avatar was cheating on her, after finding him at the computer watching his character having sex with a prostitute.

“The lawyer wasn’t at all surprised — she said it was her second divorce case involving Second Life that week.”

A virtual detective?  At least the jilted woman didn’t try to kidnap him using a taser, duct tape and a BB gun like Kimberly Jernigan did.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Second Life Whores Divorce Each Other IRL

  • pezmanlou

    You said “love” when I believe you meant “lose”.

  • Thanks Pezmanlou! I fixed it.

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