
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Maryland Sex Offenders and Surprised Paper Pumpkin Signs

Sex offenders in the state of Maryland, the most liberal state in all the land, have to display paper signs on their homes this Halloween warning kids not to come trick or treating.  The signs seem to be unnecessary.  The universal sign to keep kids away is to not turn on the porch light.  But now that daylight savings has been moved to the first week in November, kids will be trick-or-treating in the daylight, so maybe the pumpkin sign is helpful after all.

But did they have to make the jack-o-lantern picture look like a surprised and sad six year old screaming “Noooo!!!”

From the Washtimes here:

The Scarlet Letter for Maryland sex offenders this Halloween will be a bright orange pumpkin.

That is the symbol on a sign they are required to post on their doors with a warning, in capital letters, to trick-or-treaters: “No candy at this residence.”

The paper signs began arriving last week in the mailboxes of the roughly 1,200 violent and child-sex offenders across the state with a letter explaining how they are to comport themselves on Oct. 31.

Halloween provides a rare opportunity for you to demonstrate to your neighbors that you are making a sincere effort to change the direction of your life,” the letter states.

So Maryland says the mark of a good sex offender is saving money on Halloween candy.  Why not just make signs that say “Sex Offender Lives Here.”??  How can the pumpkin sign be okay and the latter sign not?  If I lived in a neighborhood with a sex offender, I wouldn’t care about any attempts by the perv at being contrite on children’s holidays.  I just want to know where the perverts live.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Maryland Sex Offenders and Surprised Paper Pumpkin Signs

  • Gregory

    Do I actually have to molest a child to get one of those signs?

  • Its funny- The washingtontimes site had the image file in full size- almost as an invitation to other kid touchers to print off their own banners and post them.

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