
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Eco-Religionists Demand Return to Slavery

Whenever you hear the chicken-littles of the Global Warming crowd talk about ending carbon emissions, ask them what color the people should be that plants our crops, or pulls our wooden carts to the market. They are, after all, demanding a complete return to 18th century living standards, including “carbon neutral farming methods,” which is code for slavery.

Farming can’t get more carbon neutral than this.

Drudge points out this laughably hysterical screed by Oliver Tickell in the Guardian, who says Kyoto has failed and its time to stop all fossil fuel mining, give all money to the surviving poor in poor countries, and bring back slavery. From the Guardian here:

Global Warming is …”the end of living and the beginning of survival” for humankind. Or perhaps the beginning of our extinction.

The collapse of the polar ice caps would become inevitable, bringing long-term sea level rises of 70-80 metres. All the world’s coastal plains would be lost, complete with ports, cities, transport and industrial infrastructure, and much of the world’s most productive farmland. Billions would undoubtedly die.

The truth is that to prevent runaway greenhouse warming, we will have to leave most of the world’s fossil fuels in the ground, especially carbon-heavy coal, oil shales and tar sands. The fossil fuel and power companies must be faced down.

…promoting climate-friendly farming, and researching geoengineering technologies. And commit hundreds of billions of dollars per year to finance adaptation to climate change, especially in poor countries.

Typical leftist dogma. Global warming is not, and never was, about helping the environment. It has always been about the worship of the earth and the promotion of leftist ideology, including communism on a massive scale, akin to Pol Pot moving everyone from the cities and forcing them to live “sustainable lifestyles” in government run farms.

And this opinion piece of Tickell’s fails to ask some really simple and obvious questions: If Billions would die, why waste money giving it to the poor? Surely it would be easier to just let them die if billions of others are dying too, right? Why the massive redistribution of wealth to a part of this species on the verge of extinction that clearly couldn’t adapt to their environment?

And what color should the people be that becomes the new slave class that will plant and pick our crops and tow our wooden carts to the local market? Black? Brown? Maybe just the women? Or will Tickell and his ilk get to pick the new slaves based on some new diversity scale? Maybe the children of Carbon Sinners should be forced to pick potatoes.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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