
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Fishies Fete On Funky Fetid Foot Flakes

I have written previously about tiny fishes that eat the grody calluses and blisters from the feet of rich spoiled housewives in Singapore. Now you can have a fishy pedicure in Alexandria, Virginia.

From the AP here:

Ready for the latest in spa pampering? Prepare to dunk your tootsies in a tank of water and let tiny carp nibble away.

Fish pedicures are creating something of a splash in the D.C. area, where a northern Virginia spa has been offering them for the past four months.

The fish don’t do the job alone. After 15 to 30 minutes in the tank, customers get a standard pedicure, made easier by the soft skin the doctor fish leave behind.

Ho believes his is the only salon in the country to offer the treatment, which costs $35 for 15 minutes and $50 for 30 minutes. The spa has more than 1,000 fish, with about 100 in each individual pedicure tank at any given time.

The owner is also talking about setting up all-over fish treatments to treat other skin flaky problems like psoriasis.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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