
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Ted Kennedy Develops Swimmer’s Ear 39 Years Later

Wow, a malignant brain tumor. Nice way to go. Its better than drowning in a car.

From the AP here:

A cancerous brain tumor caused the seizure Sen. Edward M. Kennedy suffered over the weekend, doctors said Tuesday in a grim diagnosis for one of American politics’ most enduring figures.

They said tests conducted after the seizure showed a tumor in Kennedy’s left parietal lobe. Preliminary results from a biopsy of the brain identified the cause of the seizure as a malignant glioma, they said.

His treatment will be decided after more tests but the usual course includes combinations of radiation and chemotherapy.

What is it about the Kennedys and their brains? His brother’s were blown out at Dallas. His other brother’s blown out in DC. His nephew had his spattered on the windshield of an airplane. Another nephew left his brains in tree bark on an Aspen ski slope. Now Teddy’s is going to explode from within. At least with the chemo Teddy will finally lose weight.

And even when Teddy’s a corpse zombie with no brain, the fine people of Massachusetts will still vote him in for another term.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Ted Kennedy Develops Swimmer’s Ear 39 Years Later

  • Michael D.

    TO: The fellow who said “Massachusetts will still vote him in for another term.”

    Your 100% right on that will vote for Senator Kennedy or anyone he puts his support behind. ALSO reread your statements some inaccurate statements made there,but I’m not surprised. Your comments are off the wall, either your taking to many meds or not enough, so take good care of yourself and I do wish you good health.

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