
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Stupid Anti-Smoking Laws

I quit smoking long ago, but I still think laws targeting smokers is an assault on freedom. Stopping people from smoking by government decree just shows how easy it is to use the government to bully people. And if the issue was really about the health of the smokers, the government would ban tobacco outright rather than keep it around as a revenue-generating enterprise.

In Portugal they banned smoking in public nationwide. And the minister of Foods and Standards, the agency that enforces the ban, was photographed in a casino smoking a cigar. Once again, laws liberals make apply to everyone but themselves.

From Reuters here:

The head of the Portuguese agency responsible for enforcing a new ban on smoking in public was seen lighting up at a New Year party, breaking the law on the first day it came into effect.

Antonio Nunes, president of Portugal’s food standards agency, was photographed by the daily Diario de Noticias smoking a cigar at a casino on the outskirts of Lisbon.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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