
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Soylent Green is BioFuel!

Well, the latest chapter in Moonbattery is to power a vehicle with the sucked-out fat of people. Drudge pointed to a story about a stupid Eco-Boat that is going to race around the world, and its crew each had liposuction to create a few liters of bio-diesel. No word on whether or not Donda West’s fat that was sucked out of her with deadly force will be donated to help power the stupid boat.

Pete Bethune, the New Zealand skipper of Earthrace, believes the boat can help advance biodiesel as a genuinely viable alternative to petroleum diesel.

And by my calculations, at over 1000 dollars per procedure, with 3 persons donating, resulting in 7 liters of fuel, it works out to about 430 dollars per liter.

Who are the eco-religionists trying to kid with this stunt? Let’s go ahead and carry this idea to its logical conclusion: that the real solution to the fake global warming crisis is to burn people as fuel. Cadavers and corpses will soon be rendered down to biofuel, and that will deeply please the whacked-out earth-worshipers.

Can you think of other discarded human tissue that is just sitting around waiting to be mined for biofuel?

Not to be outdone, Al Gore is working on building a moped that is powered by the aborted fetuses of the poor. After all, since abortion was unable to be justified by Democrats using fetal stem cells to make Christopher Reeves walk again, the little lifeless dismembered bloody piles of goo are perfect for powering the next Green Vehicles. Go Green! Abort Your Baby! Power Gore’s Motorcycle!

Would liberals finally support the death penalty for criminals if they thought the dead body would be converted to biofuel? Somehow I don’t think so.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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