
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeCyberStupid People

Nation’s Dumbest Heart Surgeon Exposed

ABC News ran what it thought was a sting to expose the nefarious plots of Nigerian email scammers.  The scammers were pumping a California Heart Surgeon, by the name of Timothy Sloan, out of cash totalling over 300,000 dollars.  But the scammers needed only 25k more to buy a chemical to wash black ink off of the rest of the 15 million dollars the greedy surgeon was expecting.  It wasn’t money.  It was black construction paper.

Watch and laugh:

ABC did not expose the scammers.  They exposed the dumbest surgeon in the nation.  He wasn’t upset about the loss of money, but about “the broken trust!” 

Here is the background information on Dr. Sloan.  He served probation for doing something else stupid, but the records don’t say. 

Tim Sloan had a rough childhood too.  He was constantly blowing his allowance on the gimmicky prizes on the back of the comic books, and he has a whole video library on Super 8 of him complaining to his father about how the gizmos wouldn’t work.  At one point he complained that the X-Ray glasses didn’t let him see through Sara Millings’ skirt at school, and he was “deeply hurt” about the broken trust between him and his comic books.

He was constantly seeing a therapist after repeatedly being abducted by strangers under the guise of free candy or free puppies.

And he recently cashed in his 401k plan on a hot stock tip that showed up in his email, but was disappointed because the stock was not a “hot mover” like it promised.  He angrily fired off an email to complain to the person that sent it to him, and when it bounced, he screamed at the ceiling “Where is the trust in this world???!!!”

Seriously, if you need a medical procedure, get a different doctor.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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