
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

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Kelsey Peterson and the Kidnap Plot

If Kelsey Peterson’s absurd behavior wasn’t so damaging to her 13 year-old victim, it would be hilarious. The stupid teacher wanted to run away with her pre-pubescent boy toy with a bankroll of 400 dollars and a trunk full of Disney DVD’s. And she wanted to walk on the beach because she had never seen the ocean.

Could this foolish woman be any more dramatic? Yeah, she can. Read the rest of the story here at Fox News:

Their trip began nearly two weeks ago in Lexington, Neb., about 200 miles west of Omaha, where the boy, now in eighth grade, left with his sixth-grade teacher. He watched movies on a DVD player while she drove west to California, then south to Mexico.

The boy said the trip was Peterson’s idea, but he went along with it. He had told her he wanted to visit his birthplace in Penjamo, a town in the central Mexican state of Guanajuato, where his father lives.

Arenas said the boy had no money and no identification, but Peterson had $400. The trunk of the car was loaded with clothes, toiletries, blankets, pillows, bottled water, photos of Peterson’s family and Disney DVDs.

The boy said they drove 1,300 miles to Riverside, Calif., outside Los Angeles, to see relatives but they couldn’t find anyone because they had no phone numbers or addresses. He said they made a short trip to a beach, where he swam in the ocean.

She wanted to see the beach, I guess, because she had never seen it,” he said.

The Mexican official who captured the pair with the aid of a GPS-enabled cell phone said the boy shed no tears while Peterson wept as the two parted Friday night at the police station.

She said to the youngster that she loved him and would always love him in her heart,” said Alfredo Arenas Moreno of the Baja California state police.

Arenas said the woman admitted having a sexual relationship with the boy but felt it was unfair that she would be branded a predator and separated from her 8-year-old daughter.

“She said her life was basically over, but if she had a chance to do things differently she wouldn’t,” he told the AP.

Seriously, this bitch is dumber than Britney Spears. The boy didn’t even seem to be that into her anymore. The drive to California and the beach was all her idea, and he felt nothing when she was dragged away by the cops. She will never be able to see her daughter again, but she would do it all over again? Puhleeeze.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

3 thoughts on “Kelsey Peterson and the Kidnap Plot

  • Um. What lawyer is letting her do all this talking? S/he should be fired.

  • Actually, it was the did that was talking, relating this to the AP, along with the Mexican Police officer Alfred Moreno.

    And last I heard she had a public defender, and those guys are notorious for letting their clients say whatever the hell they want.

  • She really was not that bad person people are describing her as I know this because I lived in that town and went to the same school her daughter went and had seen her a couple of times. She was always smiling and I would see her participate in her daughter’s school activities and saw them both happily together. I also knew the guy that had the relationship with her and he looked as if he were 18 years old he would also check out other older women and would comment about their body parts no later than what happened with Kelsey.

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