
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


A Giant Douche Won the Nobel Prize

And no, I’m not talking about Jimmy Carter or the Thank-God-He’s-Dead Palestinian Douche Yassir Arafat. No, Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize for spreading dangerous lies about mankind causing global warming.

Obey me, bitches! I got the Nobel Prize now!

An award for the Peace prize is supposed to go to someone who, during the preceding year, conferred the greatest benefit on mankind.

But according to the American Thinker here, Al Gore would not cut down a tree to save a dying woman from breast cancer. Al Gore wrote in his stupid book Earth in the Balance,

“The Pacific Yew can be cut down and processed to produce a potent chemical, taxol, which offers some promise of curing certain forms of lung, breast, and ovarian cancer in patients who would otherwise quickly die. It seems an easy choice – sacrifice the tree for a human life – until one learns that three trees must be destroyed for each patient treated.

Uh, yeah Al. Its an easy choice. And it would still be an easy choice if you had to kill 3000 trees to do it.

Al goes on to write about his disdain for advances in agricultural technology that feeds people across the world, and still thinks that DDT (whose creator by the way, earned the Nobel Prize for ridding parts of the world of Malaria) is a horrible chemical that damages the environment, despite studies showing it does not. People like him banned DDT, which resulted in the deaths of millions of Africans.

The American Thinker article rightly concludes:

Never before would the awarding of a Nobel Prize have to potential to do so much damage to public health and human progress.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

11 thoughts on “A Giant Douche Won the Nobel Prize

  • anonymous

    Wow, you’re a fucking ignorant idiot. OMG teh global warming is not real and DDt is teh yummy!


  • Yeah, I’m the idiot? Global warming has killed exactly 0 people. Yet it is played up as the crisis of the millenium. Malaria and mosquito borne diseases have killed more people since DDT has been banned than has died in all the wars in the past 300 years.

    But Al Gore could certainly teach us about FAIL, right?

  • Hannitized

    Damn straight! This is just like Liberal Eurotrash who with the help of their friends in the Liberal/Gay/Terror enabling party, oh sorry the Democrat party trying to pull the wool over our eyes. But Real Americans will stand up to the lies and return America to true moral strength!

  • Hannitized, should have ended that with “WHITE POWER!”.

  • Talk to all the people here in Australia about how happy they were after using DDT…..

  • Frangi,

    From what I’ve read, Australians were much more moderate about phasing out DDT but only because there were acceptible substitutes. From what I can tell, they were very happy with the use of DDT.

  • I know there was some health issues associated with DDT, but they were found from high levels and over use, not from a weekend camping trip. But then again we recently learned that if a person drinks a few gallons of water in a short time they can die (well I did anyway)so I wonder what the tree huggers will try to ban next.

  • frangi

    It was advertised during the forties to use DDT as a personal insect repellent and to spray pantry cupboards to keep out vermin… favourite though….use it on your pets to rid them of flea’s….

    Nice for Fido!

    Surprising to me at times is the fact that the US has banned alot more chemicals including some used in the processing of food than the Australian Government has. Makes me check packaging VERY careful. If it’s banned in the US it stay’s out of my shopping trolley!

  • frangi

    There was a study done on DDT levels in Breast milk in the ’70’s and it was found that woman in rural area’s had up to 8 times the levels than woman in urban areas.
    Obviously due to added exposure through use in agriculture.
    DDT builds up as it is passed along the line…
    DDT also works by attacking the ’embryo-tic’ stage of pests!!!!!
    It was found in breast milk!!!!

  • What you said IS very interesting, but I am still stuck on “shopping trolley”… I really love all of you Aussies.
    I think we have banned more chemicals than most countries. Mostly because half our nation goes into an uproar when a special interest group gets a kink in their shorts about anything. Doesn’t really matter if it is good or bad for you, just that someone, somewhere decides they don’t like it… so they panic everyone else.

    Far as I can recall, nothing is good if you use it to excess. Hell, even water can kill you … are we supposed to ban that too ?

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