
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Hillary is Trying to Lose the Election

Man, does it ever feel like 1994.  OJ in the news for criminal acts.  Hillary Clinton spouting socialized healthcare and threatening to raise taxes.  She said the other day that everyone would be required to show proof of medical insurance in order to get a job!  Isn’t a job where you go to make money to buy healthcare? 


From the AP here:

Hillary said she could envision a day when “you have to show proof to your employer that you’re insured as a part of the job interview — like when your kid goes to school and has to show proof of vaccination.”

I wonder if Hillary has ever worked at any normal job that required a job interview in her life?  No?  Didn’t think so.

Now Hillary was given the chance to reaffirm her support for the troops in Iraq, and in particular, General Petraeus, who has a Doctorate in International Relations and has a Masters in Public Administration and graduated number one in his class at the US Army command.  He has a blanket of ribbons on his chest, and also has the Bronze Star for Valor.

All she had to do is say that she supports him.  And she voted no.  Along with the radical left of the Senate. 

Mitt Romney, running for the Republican nomination for President said,

“Hillary Clinton had a choice. She could stand with our troop commander in Iraq, or she could stand with the libelous left wing of her party. She chose the latter. The idea that she would be a credible commander-in-chief of our armed forces requires the willing suspension of disbelief.”

BURN.  The Republicans can now pwn her at will.  Hot Air has all of the details, including the full text of the Senate Amendment.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Hillary is Trying to Lose the Election

  • she would not get voted in anyway,

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