
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Virginia Tracks Dead-Beats by Cellphone

Deadbeat Moms and Dads better watch out. Virginia support enforcement may be calling you soon to collect. They fed names to the cell companies and hit paydirt for names and addresses. And if you don’t pay, they might track you with GSM technology. (not really for the last part, but that would be cool!)

From the Daily Press here:

If you’re behind on child support payments and have a cell phone, Virginia might be calling you soon.

Last month, the state sent the names of 260,000 child support evaders to cell phone providers and received addresses and numbers for 52,000.

“Now I have a lot of work to do,” Nick Young said. He’s deputy commissioner for the Virginia Department of Social Services Division of Child Support Enforcement.

Virginia is the first state to subpoena cell phone records to help locate parents who owe a total of at least $2.3 billion in delinquent child support payments.

You know, that money could help reduce Virginia’s tax burden, which we need because our Democrat Governor, Tim Kaine, is itching to increase taxes wherever he can.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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