
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


DHS Invents Light Sabre “Pukinator”

Its a flashlight that strobes just right to make you toss your cookies. They plan on using it on illegal border crossers, and maybe even hijackers. I have a feeling the boys from Jackass will be using this on each other soon.

From here:

Its inventors call it the LED Incapacitator (L-E-D, as in light-emitting diode). Weapons buffs call it a nonlethal weapon. But test subjects who have buckled and reeled from its nauseating strobe call it other names—none printable.

A later version of the LED Incapacitator, featuring a trimmer head.

A flashlight designed to make you nauseatingly ill? What fiendish minds would invent such a tool? Two physicists are refining an ultra-bright, multicolored, pulsing “lightsaber” that’s more disorienting, dazzling, and dizzying—though a tad less dangerous—than disco. It’s enough to make you sick.

How does the LED Incapacitator incapacitate? By simultaneously overwhelming the subject both physiologically (temporarily blinding him) and psychophysically (disorienting him). A built-in rangefinder measures the distance to the nearest pair of eyeballs. Then, a “governor” sets the output and pulse train (a series of pulses and rests) to a level, frequency, and duration that are effective, but safe. The colors and pulses continuously change, leaving no time for the brain or eyes to adapt. After a few minutes, the effects wear off.

The light could be used to make a bad guy turn away or shut his eyes, giving authorities enough time to tackle the suspect and apply the cuffs … all while sparing the lives of passersby, hostages, or airline passengers.

Personally, I’d like to see border agents start using Ninja stars.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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