
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Alvin and His Cannibal Chipmunk Buddies

I have written before about chipmunks. I have several that live just outside my front door, getting fat on the birdseed that falls out of the bird feeder. One of those chipmunks only has one eye, swear to God. I think maybe it lost a fight with a stray cat who has taken to stalking the above-mentioned fat chipmunks by hiding out under my SSR. Its a whole horrifying circle of life thing I have going on at my doorstep.

Anyways, now it seems that they are making a movie about Alvin and the Chipmunks, starring CGI critters and Jason Lee who has finally sold the remainder of his soul to the devil to appear in this flick.

I won’t be seeing it, mostly because I know that one-eyed chipmunks can be cannibalistic, and that’s too creepy.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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