
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Eco-ReligionHumorMySpaceStupid People

Dredded Hippie Protester Tasered

A kooky dredded eco-religionist, Johnathan “Slugger” Crowell of West Dummerston, Vermont, tied his dumb ass to a drum in a field that is slated to be turned into a gas station.  Four cops take turns asking him to untie himself and leave.  When Crowell calls them fascists and corporate stooges, the cops commence to tasering him.

Here is Johnathan Crowell below, taken from his MySpace page here.

Thanks to Fark, from here:

Is it appropriate to use a Taser on non-violent protesters? That’s the question that many people in Windham County are asking after a pair of volunteer gardeners who were trespassing on private property were stunned by police Tasers after they refused to leave.

The two, Jonathan “Slug” Crowell and Samantha Kilmurray, of Dummerston, were part of a small group of people who “occupied” a vacant lot on Putney Road where King’s Bowling Center used to stand, planting shrubs, flowers and even a tree.

“All they had to do was take our water away from us and we would have been gone in 48 hours,” said Kilmurray.

“We were surprised that they were going to resort to such extreme tactics so quickly,” said Crowell.

Both Crowell and Kilmurray said police officers threatened them with the Tasers several times, physically waving it at them before they actually used it.

Kilmurray was shocked twice before agreeing to remove her arm from the barrel. Crowell was shocked at least five times before he made the same decision.

Taserin’ hippies sounds like a cool video game.  But “volunteer gardeners?”  Puh-Leeze!  Cut your hair and get a job now, okay?

Here is the video, with the priveleged American cameraman likening the police action to “torture.”  Funny, I don’t think real torture victims smile and mug at the camera as they are being arrested.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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