
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeMoviesStupid People

Some People Refuse to Learn

Lindsay Lohan is one of those people.  She goes through rehab with her fingers in her ears singing “la la la la la” and then keeps drinking booze and snorting booger sugar.  She was arrested yet again, providing this awesome mug shot.

From the Smoking Gun: Lindsay Lohan posed for this mug shot following her July 2007 arrest in Santa Monica for drunk driving and cocaine possession. The actress, 21, was nabbed after cops spotted her SUV chasing another vehicle at high speed. After Lohan failed a field sobriety test, she was transported to the L.A. county lockup, where a pat down search turned up cocaine in her pants pocket.

Okay, lots of people, including BWE, are wondering “Is her career dead yet?”  Somehow I don’t think so.  Jail has a wonderful way of inducing good behavior that three stints in a rehab clinic can’t.  Just ask Paris Hilton.

As a question, does anyone think that if Lindsay were to die of a drug overdose, she would be missed one-tenth as much as Marilyn Monroe?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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