
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Hope For Part-Time British Whores

If you are a British woman who sleeps around for crack, money, fancy cars, fame, fish and chips or whatever other reason, there is help on the way, courtesy of the Parlaiment.  Prostitution may be legalized, so long as you trollops are only humping guys part time.


From Reuters here:

Britain is proposing to remove the term “prostitute” from the criminal statutes because it carries too much stigma.
Instead, a new bill that the Justice Ministry has drafted refers simply to persons who sell sex persistently — defined as twice or more in three months.

“We just wanted to remove the stigma of the label ‘common prostitute’,” said a spokeswoman for the Justice Ministry.  “It’s been around since 1824, so it was a bit outdated. It just wasn’t really helpful to label people.”

The new bill introduces measures to try to get sex workers out of the industry, and in effect decriminalizes prostitution for those who are not considered persistent.

Who knew that being a whore carried a stigma in the eyes of society?  But not all whores are scummy tramps.  You should read my post on Mary Carleton.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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