
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

BizarreEco-ReligionStupid People

Yoko Ono Dines on Corgi

Update!  NOT!  Turns out that the British media reported this originally, and it was picked up by, who I quote below in the original story.  According to her lawyers and publicists, Yoko wasn’t even in England at the time.  Now why would someone want to spread such vicious lies about her?  Hmmm, I wonder…

Originial story I wrote:

Yoko Ono ate pieces of a dog on a radio show.  She may have just set back asian stereotypes by fifty years while also disgusting all non-vegans the world over.  Beatles fans can also have one more reason to despise her.


From here:

Ono was part of a canine-chewing stunt at a London radio station yesterday, reports Reuters, in which gonzo artist Mark McGowan ate cooked pieces of a Corgi, Queen Elizabeth II’s dog of choice. McGowan staged the Fido-feeding to protest the Queen’s husband’s treatment of a fox on a hunt last year. While the artist did his best to swallow a few chunks of Corgi, Yoko could only manage a small taste before looking “a bit strange,” according to McGowan.

Performance artist McGowan is a rabid vegetarian and animal-rights activist who once notoriously ate a swan to protest the monarchy. He says that the Corgi had died at a breeding farm.

Corgis are cute dogs. 


But only twisted vegans are so addled as to want to eat one.  And an old one at that!

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

3 thoughts on “Yoko Ono Dines on Corgi

  • Complete and utter idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Is that actually true? You sure they weren’t pretending it was Corgi?

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