
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Seung Cho Was Total Loser

Freak.  Loser.  Misfit.  Creepy weirdo.  These seem to all be apt and accurate descriptions of the Hokie Killer, Seung Cho. 


As more and more information seeps out about him, it is becoming crystal clear that Cho didn’t really belong at school.  He had no friends, and even his own roommates in his dormitory suite thought he was withdrawn and a social outcast.  They had even tried to engage him in conversation, but cho only ever gave one word mumbling responses.  With the personality of a dead fish, his roommates just left him alone.

He was a zero when it came to the ladies.  He acted more like a stalker and couldn’t score a date if he were the last man on campus.  His school grades have not been released yet.  They should be average or below.  Anything higher and I would suspect that Va Tech was just sleeping on the scoring system and passing any student that paid tuition.  Case in point, you should read the horrible play he wrote for his playwriting class.  He was supposedly being taught by an “acclaimed” professor Ed Falco.  Why this professor didn’t toss this loser out of his class is unknown.

In an article at CollegiateTimes, the fellow students remember with sadness how everyone knew Cho was a lunatic, but no one did anything to get him any help. 

Stephanie Derry, a senior English major at Virginia Tech, was in a 3000 level Playwriting class with Cho Seung-Hui this spring semester taught by acclaimed professor Ed Falco.

She described Seung-Hui’s conduct in classes and how all the clues had been there, but could never imagine his bizarre behavior would ever materialize into these recent destructive events.

“Cho was really, really, quiet,” Derry said. “I can’t even remember one word he said the entire semester.”

“We were in a playwriting class together, which is a workshop class, meaning you submit your plays to everyone in it and then we all review the play in class and talk about it,” Derry said.

“His writing, the plays, were really morbid and grotesque,” Derry noted. “I remember one of them very well. It was about a son who hated his stepfather. In the play the boy threw a chain saw around, and hammers at him. But the play ended with the boy violently suffocating the father with a rice krispy treat,” Derry said.

“We made jokes around the class about his work, because it was just so fictional, so surreal, we just had to laugh,” Derry said, “We had to laugh because it couldn’t ever be real or truthful, I mean who throws hammers or chainsaws around?”

“But we always joked we were just waiting for him to do something, waiting to hear about something he did,” Derry said. “But when I got the call it was Cho who had done this, I started crying, bawling.”

“I kept having to tell myself there is no way we could have known this was coming,” Derry described. “I was just so frustrated that we saw all the signs, but never thought this could happen.”

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

68 thoughts on “Seung Cho Was Total Loser

  • AgentZer0

    You imply he doesn’t belong in school becaue he has trouble making friends, girlfriends, or fitting in with his suitemates. These conditions alone shouldn’t preclude a person from the right to pursue a college education.

    You then conclude – from his strange writings – that he couldn’t possibly be intelligent. I get it. Social ineptness plus a sick imagination necessary implies an intellectual deficiency. That’s the conclusion you drew.

    I’m autistic. I have Asperger’s Syndrome, I have a high IQ. I have poor social skills. I could never kill another person. It’s disheartening that you reinforced my perception that society isn’t real interested in understanding why a person like Cho stuggles in the social world. Many are content to merely label him as different, put him on an island, and move on.

    No one said this post was about autism; however, when autism truly factors into one’s social failures, it’s unfair to cast aspersions on their intelligence or say they don’t deserve to be in school. That’s what you did.

    You lost me when you said he couldn’t score a date. I only kept reading because there is an element of comedy to reading the ignorant thoughts of a person like you.

    Yes, he had issues. Yes, there is no excuse for what he did. However, you ignore that there are real mental and social implications to not succesfully integrating with society. Cho wanted to integrate. He failed to. It’s worth understanding why because Cho was a human being. – just not to people like yourself.

    Go ahead. Remove my post. It will only confirm your discomfort with logic and reason.


  • zero,
    This is an old story, thanks for staying current.
    Anywho, he didn’t belong at school because he didn’t want to be there. Not because he was a misfit.

    And he was below average intelligence as evidenced by his writing.

    This has nothing to do with autism unless you, like other Aspies, try to make this dead loser the posterchild for Aspergers. To my knowledge, he was never diagnosed with any autism or any other mental health problem.

    That Cho couldn’t score a date was a fact. Unless you can prove otherwise, my assessment is the correct one. The same goes for the fact that he did not want to integrate into the school. You have evidence that points to the contrary, then say so.

    And why remove your post? I’ll leave it up so others can see that you want to somehow make the deaths of several Virginians about you and your imaginary disease.

  • AgentZer0

    Good luck with your blog, dude.

  • AgentZer0

    (You’re right. I’m faking it to get attention, like all the other people who were critical of your 2007 post. We’re all a bunch of fakers.)

    Your original post attacked several commenters and accused them of faking a serious neurological condition.

    Your original post suggests that a person’s social ineptitude is justification for why they shouldn’t be allowed to attend a normal college/university.

    I tried to present counterarguments, knowing that many who struggle in the social world are able to pursue higher education, eventually learn to make friends, and go on to lead a happy and succesful life.

    You chose to ignore these facts.

    Next, the dialogue devolved into one of you accusing me of wanting attention, wanting Cho to be the poster-child for Aspergers, and various other nonsense — losing sight of the real reason for why I left a comment.

    If your orignal post had been worded differently, I wouldn’t have left a comment. But when the central argument of a post is that the socially inept should not be allowed to attend school, I can’t help myself from putting in my $.02


  • Aspergers is not a serious neurological condition, Zero. Stop pretending that it is. Social ineptitude is indeed a great justification why someone should be kept out of school, especially if they turn out to be a deranged psycho like Cho was. Lets call it a “warning sign.”

    Whatever counterarguments you lamely offered was based on your own desires not to be viewed as a social retard, and not based at all on fact. Face it- for whatever reason, you feel sorry for Cho and maybe even feel some type of kinship because you think he was an Aspie like you.

    You need to stop that type of thinking. Cho didn’t deserve pity. He was a hateful cold hearted killer and a sociopath.

  • Timelord

    You’ve got a lot to learn about neurology, Pat. Cho got the way he did because he hated American society. A society that wouldn’t let him be himself and cut him off as a penalty. So he fought back. Incorrectly I agree, but nevertheless he was provoked. Not enough is done about bullying in college and school, and by saying what you are saying, you are trivialising it.

    For the record, Cho was NOT on the Autistic Spectrum. He was the victim of cultural intolerance. You continue it by calling him a “social retard”. Only a bully would use that sort of language. If there had been no bullying, VTech would never have happened.

    And I would point out that people like you MAKE us Aspies (yes, I’m one as well) a serious condition. Simply because you won’t let us be ourselves either. We have to follow your rules to get by and we can’t because of our condition.

    If you respond with abuse, my point will have been proven.

  • TimeLord, aka, random aspie from Phil’s World in Australia, how I choose to respond to a comment won’t prove a thing about your hypothesis about what makes you such a loser in life. If I choose to respond to a sniveling comment with disdain it is more likely because you were completely wrong or have a chip on your shoulder and are on a quest to somehow equate aspies with some elevated special rights group.

    If as you say, Cho was not an Aspie, why are you on my site defending aspies??? This post is about Cho, and like most aspies I’ve had the misfortune of meeting, the world doesn’t revolve around you and your chronic navel gazing and whinging about societal acceptance.

    Second, you are an Aussie. You are so far removed both geographically and culturally, I don’t think you are qualified to make an assessment about how or why Cho felt about American society. Nor are you qualified to know what steps are done in American schools to combat bullies. American schools are extremely inclusive and people go out of their way to help people fit in.

    There has never been one shred of evidence that Cho’s actions were the direct result of provocation by bullies. Rather, there are lots of evidence that points to the fact that Cho was mentally disturbed- definitely psychotic, and probably schizophrenic too. To even attempt to say he murdered those people because “they wouldn’t let him be himself” really makes you look like a complete moron. In fact, he was himself- a complete withdrawn loser who caged himself inside his own social anxiety and psychosis.

  • Timelord

    You have assumed all of that, because if anyone is a cultural bigot – it’s you. Australia can teach America a lot about cultural tolerance. We have more cultures here than you lot have – and you lot have a history of bullying. Don’t deny it, because you would be wrong. You are ignoring the obvious – Cho was the way he was because he WASN’T accepted. Why? Because he didn’t like the brash American way. And that wasn’t allowed was it?

    I think because of my efforts to actually research culture I would know more about it than you do. You are coming from a completley narrow and bigoted angle – and that is an automatic loss for you from the get go. If anyone thinks the world revolves around them, it’s you. You’ve got no idea. No idea at all.

    No wonder America sucks. You pump out hate by the bucket load – and when you get it back, YOU whinge!

    Get out into the world. You might actually learn something. Or are you afraid?

  • So let me get this straight-
    You think that you know more about my own American culture, and more about my Virginian culture, than I do because of your superior internet research skills on culture? And you also know more about what motivated a non-asspie deranged psycho killer than someone who lives in the same community where Cho grew up, and in a community where neighbors lost sons and daughters to this killer? You know better than me? All the way from Melbourne?

    You are the one prejudging my culture dimwit. Not the other way around. I told you this was not about Asspies, but you are injecting your own retardness into this discussion. I told you this isn’t about bullies but you lecture me on my country’s history of bullies? Do you hear how retarded you sound? Do you? DO YOU?

    And I am out in the world. You are the one showing the lack of maturity and experience here.

  • Tex Caldwell

    Hey, sidewinder, where’s your commitment to the first amendment! You deleted Cube Demon, and now Timelord? Timelord’s right. You’re damn scared, you jackass! Start showing a pair!

  • I delete threadjacking attempts. So will probably be my next filter. You asspies can go to your own thread elsewhere and navel gaze, dream about being a serial killer who exacts vengeance on his bullies. Just don’t do it here.

  • cube_demon

    These are my questions to you Patrick Belcher and Trench Reynolds


  • cube_demon

    You like to throw the word retard around alot Patrick Belcher. The word retarded and retard was politically correct term which meant stupid, imbecile, and ignorant.

    You’re right. I am stupid. I am an imbecile and I am ignorant. I know nothing and I know that I know nothing. I’m ignorant, an imbecile, and stupid and I am aware of all of this. I’m aware of my own ignornace and my own stupidity.

    Mr. Belcher, what can I do to be a non-retard? What can I do to become non-ignorant? What can I do to be a genius, socially adept, and physically fit like a good man such as yourself?

    Mr. Belcher, what can I do to get rid of my own loserhood and become a non-loser?

    In fact, what can I do in your eyes to become a winner?

    In your eyes, what should be done about all socially inept people? If you were in charge of the greatest nation on the earth, the USA, what would you do?

    What can a person like me do to earn your respect?

  • Cube Demon,
    1. Stop threadjacking.
    2. Its not about you.
    3. I use the word retard correctly, in that it is a mental or physical condition caused by lack of growth or genetic abnormality.
    4. Maybe you should seek mental health treatment.

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