
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


The Snuke: The Nuke in Hillary’s Snizz

Matt and Trey produced a hilarious South Park last night that lampooned so many things it was hard to keep up.  What was mostly a South Park version of the TV show 24 lashed out at muslims, homeland security, internet sleuthing, the British Navy, the Queen of England, and best of all, Hillary.


Hillary was quite prominent in the show, and after five minutes of a normal voice, Hillary sported a twangy fake southern accent for the rest of the show, much like the fake accent she put on recently when she went to a black church in Selma Alabama. 

And thanks to the brilliant Internet Sleuthing by Kyle and Cartman, it was discovered that the Russians had, at the behest of the British, placed a nuclear device deep inside the icy depths of Hillary’s snatch.  A nuke in the snatch is called a “snuke.”  And when one brave secret service agent tried to disarm the device, there was complete carnage.

One of the best episodes-  Evah.  And I will henceforth refer to Hillary as “The Snuke.”

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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