
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Eco-ReligionPoliticsStupid People

Al Gore Thinks Climate is Bigger Than AIDS

This wintry weather is claiming lives all over the country.  But Al Gore wants more people to die because, dammit, its just not cold enough for him.  In fact, he thinks that Global Warming is a bigger threat than poverty and AIDS in Africa. 


And to prove it, he is lining up talent that is supposed to be bigger than the bands at Live Aid to sing about it.

From FT here:

Climate change concerts ‘to dwarf Live Aid’

A series of concerts “bigger than Live Aid” is being planned for July, in a bid to put the subject of climate change before an audience of a global audience of 2bn.

The event, scheduled for July 7, will feature co-ordinated film, music and television events in seven cities including London, Washington DC, Shanghai, Rio de Janeiro, Cape Town and Kyoto, with major broadcasters and media owners aiming to extend the reach of public awareness of global warming.

One person close to the event said yesterday: “The talent involved is just exponentially bigger because the issue itself is bigger.

“The aim is not just to drive awareness but to get people to take action.”

These actions are likely to include personal pledges to reduce emissions, for instance by using energy efficient equipment or flying less.

Wow, so what is this ultra awesome talent they have lined up that is bigger than Madonna, Paul McCartney, a reunited Led Zeppelin, Duran Duran, Mick Jagger, Eric Clapton and Tom Petty?  I can’t wait to see.

Its amazing that the eco-religionists are more willing to believe that exhaled carbon dioxide is a bigger threat to life than millions who die from poverty, AIDS and malaria.  This Global Warming concert is a joke.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Al Gore Thinks Climate is Bigger Than AIDS

  • Bhattacharya

    During 1970s, many climatologists said that world was going into another ice age but since late 1980s they have been saying global warming. Certain things we know are not the result of greenhouse gases, We know that the Earth’s magnetic field has moved north, so there has been natural increase in temperature. But that does not deny possibility that greenhouse gases also increased global temperatures & it’s possible temperature change would be less if we did not have greenhouse gas emissions.

    As I have said P.O.P., whether or not man made global warming is happening, we are better off w/o pollution. We must build cars with better mileage and use cleaner fuels. Smart energy policy requires we use nuclear/atomic energy, hydroelectric and geothermal prudently. The main thing here is that we must save fossil fuels such as limiting natural gas to fuel cars and reduce coal usage. That’s why we must use nuclear/atomic power, geothermal and hydroelectric dams combined.

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