
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Town Criticized for Protecting Women

A French Canadian town published what seems to me a pretty decent “common sense” guide to not being misogynistic. But the news about this is reported in a way as to imply that the town that published this list is deeply racist. And somehow- the article painfully avoids mentioning just what kind of foul, evil, despicable people would actually go around treating women this way.

From Reuters here:

OTTAWA (Reuters) – Immigrants to the small Quebec town of Herouxville must not stone women in public, burn them alive or throw acid on them, according to an extraordinary set of rules made public by the local council.

The declaration, published on the town’s Web site, has deepened a debate in the predominantly French-speaking Canadian province over how tolerant Quebecers should be towards the customs and traditions of immigrants.

“We wish to inform these new arrivals that the way of life which they abandoned when they left their countries of origin cannot be recreated here,” said the declaration, which also says women are allowed to drive, vote, dance, write checks, dress how they want, work and own property.

“Therefore we consider it completely outside these norms to … kill women by stoning them in public, burning them alive, burning them with acid, circumcising them etc.”

Gosh! Who would ever treat a woman so horribly??!!

The article then goes on to say that special exceptions have been made to have male police arrest Hassidic Jewish men because women are forbidden from touching them. Is the article therefore suggesting that throwing acid on women should be allowable too?

Lets see just who would treat their women so horribly- Is it the Jews? The Sikhs? The Hindus? The Amish? The Mormons? The Scientologists? The Buddhists? The Moonies? The Satanists? The Wiccans? Nope. I’m very certain that all of those religions frown upon throwing acid at women. I must be leaving out someone….

Oh yeah! It must be the Religion of Peace!

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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