
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Will Men Take the Pill?

Drudge has a story up talking about a new birth control pill for men. The newest one can be taken a few hours before intercourse and the man will somehow not get the woman pregnant. I guess he will temporarily shoot blanks for a few hours. Afterwards, potency returns to normal.

From the Daily Mail here:

British scientists have developed a revolutionary pill that men could take as a one-off contraceptive just before a date.

The tablet would prevent a man from being able to impregnate a woman, but within a few hours his fertility would return to normal.

This would make it much more acceptable to men than other ‘male pills’ under development, which alter hormone levels and have to be taken over the long term.

The hormone-free ‘male pill’ was inspired by two medicines already in use and so the scientists hope it could be on the market within as little as five years.

Critics argue, that men lack women’s motivation to prevent pregnancy, making it hard for women to trust them to take a contraceptive pill.

Being a man, I am somewhat an expert on what men think. We “real men” will not take any medication that will alter our hormone levels or make us impotent, even temporarily. Any man who hails such a drug as a miracle breakthrough is kinda girly, and you ladies would be better off if they didnt breed anyways.

If you ladies want us to take those pills, you will have to slip it into our beer when we aren’t looking. Or, if the scientists team up with Viagra to create a party pill, we may consider it. Now, if they create a pill that changes your blood type after the date, men will buy that.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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