
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Saddam Will Swing

If you haven’t seen the video of the sentencing, you should. It shows a court, and a judge, both setup by the new government in Iraq, passing sentence on the madman who has embroiled this nation into a deeply divisive and deadly war. Click the pic to see the video.

You will see someone who rejects the notion of the Iraqis having their own government without him as their leader. Say what you will about the war in Iraq and America’s involvement, but this is a video showing the people of a nation standing up for themselves.

The war in Iraq is not over, and we will likely be there for some time to come, regardless of what happens on Tuesday. But this is a huge step forward for the Iraqi nation.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Saddam Will Swing

  • Bhattacharya

    Iraq War we should not have gone there as evil as Saddam Hussein was & we must be neutral on the Arab-Israeli dispute as we went to Iraq because Jewish groups wanted us there

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