
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Muslims Commit Faith Rape on Hostages

Two journalists from Fox News were kidnapped in Gaza by muslim terrorists. They were finally released, but only after the hostages were put on film renouncing their faith in Christ and accepting child-rapist Mohammed as their Lord and Savior.

The news organizations are saying that the men were released “unharmed.” But I expect that there are deep lingering wounds that these men will carry from having been forced at gunpoint to accept Islam as their religion.

For someone that has a deep spiritual belief in their religion to be forced, under threat of death, to renounce their religion and accept a new one, the experience must be traumatic. Will the victims always have to worry whether or not God is angry with them for their decisions?

Hot Air has all the links and stories here.

Various Palestinian middlemen were used by British agents at the request of the US to bring the Fox journalists home. They worked out a convoluted deal which entailed their public conversion to Islam, an anti-American harangue on air and a six-figure cash ransom paid under the table to Dughmush to fund his terrorist militia s operations in Gaza.

I am coining a new term for forceful conversions: Faith Rape.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Muslims Commit Faith Rape on Hostages

  • Bhattacharya

    Individual feminists are NOT always opposed to violence against women Though not all Jewess feminists believe this there are Jewess feminists who have the view that they support = rights for women and they are against violence against women UNLESS the woman or girl is German, Arab or Muslim. These Jewess feminists would hate Germans including German girls because of the Holocaust. If you ask a Chinese feminist what she thinks about Japanese women & girls, don’t be surprised if the Chinese feminist gives you the view that she supports = rights for women & is opposed to violence against women UNLESS the woman or girl is Japanese.

  • Bhattacharya

    Islam is supposed to be against homosexuality, but here homosexual rape is committed. This proves that homosexuals regardless of religion & ethnicity molest children. Catholic Church has had gay priests and apologists for homosexuals because quite a few of the boys who were molested by homosexual priests are now gay in their adulthood.

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